A Platform for Bitesize Contribution to Conservation Technology.

How can conservationists, often with limited technical skill and training, access programmers, database technicians, and designers? How can a community of volunteers find small, well-defined, meaningful conservation projects where they can contribute their time and talent?

The conservation world has extensive fundraising capability, but in general, non-profit agencies do not harness an even more valuable resource: the talent of donors. The OpenWild platform intends to solve this issue by offering an online meeting space, project management tools, and facilitated structure for the completion of technological conservation challenges. Participants can be rewarded by reputation points as well as in-kind gifts (like visitation to zoo field sites to assist with deployment of their technologies).

Below is a prototype landing page and associated outlines.


Elephant Foot (Empathy Wearable)


Immersive 360 (VR)